EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    safe instruction in, to follow in last days 1SM 41
    Satan will work ingeniously to unsettle confidence in 1SM 48
    Satan’s last deception will be to make, of none effect 1SM 48;2SM 78;
    Satanic hatred will be kindled against 1SM 48
9. Misuse of
    dissecting, warning against 1SM 42-3;5T 691;
    do not carry, to front in evangelism Ev 256
    misapplication of, to support erroneous theories 2SM 83;TM 42;
    misconstruing statements in, warning against 5T 695
    misinterpreting and misapplying, warning against 1SM 43-4, 57
    misquoted, instance of 1SM 65-6
    misuse of: by Eli Curtis 1SM 60-1;TM 57;
       by false teachers TM 51-2, 56
       by fanatics 2SM 65
       by taking sentences from their proper connection 1SM 44
       by teachers of error TM 42-3
       to beguile souls 1SM 41
       to encourage people to remain in cities 2SM 357
       to endorse false prophets 2SM 90
       to substantiate message of error TM 60