EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
       to support erroneous teachings 1SM 179
       warnings against 1SM 43-5;TM 467;
       with spurious visions 2SM 86
    mixing, with error TM 42
    taking portions of, from their connection to support erroneous theories 2SM 83;TM 42;
    teachers of error place, in framework of error 2SM 83;TM 42, 52;
    treatment of, by persons who wish to misunderstand and pervert them 1SM 19
10. Object of
    given as lesser light to lead men to Bible as greater light Ev 257
    given by God to: awaken sinners to their duty 5T 667
       benefit God’s people 5T 672-3
       bring God’s people into unity 3T 360-1
       bring men and women back to neglected word of God 2T 455;5T 663;
       call attention to God’s word LS 199;1SM 46;2T 605-6;4T 246, 323;5T 665;
       call attention to Scriptures 5T 234, 674
       exalt God’s word LS 199;2T 606;5T 665;
       fit people to stand in last days 1SM 41-2, 45
       give clearer understanding of God’s word 4T 246;5T 663;
       impress Bible truth upon minds LS 199;2T 605;5T 665;
       impress upon hearts truths already revealed 2T 660-1;5T 665;