EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Thought, Thoughts   [628]
       lifts, as well as cleansing from sin 2MCP 660.2
       not seen in the life without effort with 1MCP 69.2
    guard, UL 340.2
       against selfishness TMK 351.3
       against sin UL 114.6
       faithfully; fortify every approach to the heart TDG 174.5
       shut in with God; understanding Him more 3SM 311.2
    guided by divine love if stayed on God 2MCP 669.2
    habits affect clarity of 1MCP 317.2
    habits of,
       keeping God in TSB 195.2
       power that fastens on the mind 1MCP 196.0
       youth should cultivate early 2MCP 657.1
    happiness depends on setting, on things above OHC 63.4
    harmony of,
       through the Spirit of Christ OHC 169.4
       with God HP 165.4
       with worldly people, impossible HP 310.3
    healthful, and vigorous action of youth needed OHC 282.2