EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Thought, Thoughts   [628]
    holy, 2MCP 659.2
       banished by unhealthful food RC 138.3
       from Christ HP 65.2
       from the Holy Spirit TDG 186.2
giving wisdom and knowledge TMK 160.5
       natural as breathing for children taught right 1MCP 173.1
    hope in, strengthens faith TDG 92.5
       temptation for God’s people CC 115.4
       watch to avoid TSB 86.2
       caused by undue excitement of brain 2MCP 508.1
       defile, obliterate impressions of Spirit, etc. RC 308.3
       habit of harboring HP 197.3
       mar soul even though forgiven RC 308.3
       vain and, not cherished when Christ is companion TMK 250.5
    impurity in,
       and in actions, lead to every other sin TSB 91.0
       is unnecessary 1MCP 366.0
       separates soul from God OHC 214.5