EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Time, Times   [612]
       regard as precious COL 342
       wisely improve CT 62-3
    fast hastening on SD 49
    fearful, we live in 3T 473
    fitting-up, present is 1SM 111
    for charity, people who have no Ed 246-7
    for meditation is essential to sincere piety and religious fervor CW 125
    God has claim upon man’s WM 148
    God is not dependent on men for 6T 261
    God’s holy, how some people rob 4T 247
    gospel workers’, belongs to God AA 356
       belongs to God’s church 2SG 237
    great clock of, pointed to hour of Christ’s birth DA 32
    growing hard TM 210
    heart-searching, what to do in this 1T 188
    indefinite period of, world not created in TM 135-6
    is: lent treasure Ed 57
       money CS 288;4T 451;
       precious 6T 407, 464
       precious talent TM 394