EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Time, Times   [612]
       talent received from God 5BC 1100;6BC 1087;3T 146;
       trust from God 5T 732
    is gift of God 4T 619;9T 38;
       to be used in winning souls 9T 38
    is golden Ev 645;6T 158;
       for youth MYP 164
       for saving souls GW 454
       in which to work for God CM 20;LS 211;
       keep before students fact that FE 354
       very short CH 556;5T 573;
    it takes, to degrade man from image of God to the brutal or satanic PP 459
    last remnant of, we live in Ev 217
    leisure See Leisure time
    life’s great capital is 3T 146
    little, left to work for God EW 47;5T 132;
    man who appreciates, as his working day COL 342
    man who had little, left for him 3T 550
    man’s, God has reserved to Himself a specified portion of PP 525-6
       here is short MH 355