EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       [Nov. 14-17]: attended meeting in Vergennes, Vt. 2SG 157-9
    1852, Feb. 20: at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. LS 141;2SG 152;
       early in April: moved to Rochester, N.Y. LS 142-3;2SG 156, 160-1;1T 90;
       —: lived in house rented for $175 a year LS 142;2SG 160;1T 90;
       —: poverty and impoverished diet of LS 142;2SG 160-1;1T 90-1, 205;
       [Apr. 10]: attended meeting at Rochester, N.Y. LS 142;2SG 160-1;1T 90-1;
       Apr. 16: at Rochester, N.Y. LS 142;2SG 160;1T 90;
       Apr. 16: letter from, to Stockbridge Howland and family LS 142;2SG 160-1;1T 90-1;
       April: furnishings of home of LS 142;2SG 160-1;1T 90-1;
       summer: toiled at Rochester, N.Y. LS 143-4;2SG 165-6;1T 205;
       [September]: visited brother Robert in his last illness at Gorham, Me. LS 143;2SG 161-2;
       —: attended meetings in Vermont LS 145;2SG 167-8;
       [Sept. 3-5]: attended meetings at Wolcott, Vt. 2SG 168, 170
       [Sept. 25-26]: attended meetings at Bangor, Me. LS 144;2SG 166;
       [Oct. 2-4]: attended meetings at Panton, Vt. 2SG 168
       [Oct. 6]: at Rochester, N.Y. LS 146-7;2SG 173;
       —: Anna and Nathaniel White came to live with LS 147;2SG 173;
    1853, May 6: Nathaniel White died in home of LS 147;2SG 174-9;
       May 6: letter from, to parents re death of Nathaniel White 2SG 174-8
       [May 20-22]: visited R. F. Cottrell at Mill Grove, N.Y. LS 148;2SG 179-80;