EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       [November]: letter from, to Sr. Howland LS 158
       winter: at Rochester, N.Y. LS 151;2SG 184;1T 92;
    1854, [January]: Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views (in 1854, [January]. Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views (in EW 85-127) written by EW 86
       winter and spring: at Rochester, N. Y. LS 151-3;2SG 184-8;1T 92-4;
       winter and spring: heart disease made breathing difficult for LS 151;2SG 184;1T 92;
       winter and spring: swelling on eyelid of, appeared to be cancer LS 151;2SG 184;1T 92;
       spring: paralyzed on left side, with tongue and arms seriously affected LS 151;2SG 185-6;1T 93;
       spring: healed by prayer LS 152-3;2SG 186-8;1T 93-4;
       spring: in Michigan LS 153;2SG 188;1T 94;
       [May 10-12]: at Jackson, Mich. LS 153-4;2SG 189-91;1T 94-5;
       spring: bonnet worn by LS 153;2SG 189;1T 95;
       [May 23]: angel preserved, in train wreck near Jackson, Mich. LS 153-4;2SG 189-91;1T 94-5;
       [May 23]: visited Cyrenius Smith near Jackson, Mich. LS 154;2SG 191;
       [May 26-June 4]: attended meetings in Wisconsin LS 153-4;2SG 94, 189, 191;1T 94-5, 116;
       summer: in Rochester, N.Y. LS 154-5;2SG 191-2;1T 95;
       —: publishing workers boarded in home of 2SG 191-2
       —: home of, like hotel LS 165;2SG 211;
       August: Messenger party attacked August. Messenger party attacked LS 155;2SG 192;1T 95;
       Aug. 29: son William Clarence born to, at Rochester, N.Y. LS 155;2SG 192;1T 95;
       [Nov. 20]: Anna White died in home of LS 155-6;2SG 191;