EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       spring: boarded train at Freemont, Ohio 2SG 271
       [Mar. 16]: visited Bro. Palmer at Jackson, Mich. LS 162-3;2SG 271-2;
       [Mar. 16]: suffered third shock of paralysis LS 162-3;2SG 271-2;
       [Mar. 16]: Satan’s power against, broken by special prayer LS 163;2SG 271-2;
       [late March]: began to write Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1 (in [late March]. began to write Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1 (in EW 145-295) LS 162-3;2SG 271-2;
       June: attended conf. in Battle Creek LS 163;2SG 272;
       August: attended conf. at Crane’s Grove, Ill. 2SG 273, 295
       August: very sick 2SG 273-4
       Oct. 21: at Mannsville, N.Y. 1T 206, 209
       Oct. 21: Test. written by, to Bro. and Sr. A re “Errors in Diet” 1T 204-9
    1859, Jan. 2: diary item re WM 322
       Jan. 3: diary item re WM 322-3
       Jan. 6: diary item re WM 323
       Feb. 3: diary item re WM 323
       Feb. 28: diary item re WM 324
       Mar. 1: diary item re WM 324
       Mar. 1: visited her sister Sarah and her mother WM 324
       Mar. 8: diary item re WM 324
       Mar. 8: suffered much pain in left shoulder and leg WM 324
       Mar. 10: diary item re WM 324-5