EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
    1862 [January]: Test. written by, entitled “The North and the South” 1T 253-60
    1863, early: Test. written by, entitled “The Rebellion” 1T 355-68, 716-7
       June 6: at home of Bro. Hilliard in Otsego, Mich. CD 481
       June 6: weak, feeble, and subject to frequent fainting spells 9T 158
       June 6: Test. written by, re need of burden bearers 3T 11
       June: flesh food and spices discarded by 4aSG 154
       —: diet of, changes made in 4aSG 153-4
       Dec. 8: at Topsham, Me. LS 165-6;1T 103;
       Dec. 8: son Henry Nichols died at Topsham, Me., at age of 16 LS 165-6;2SM 258;1T 103;
    1864, summer: dietary habits of 4aSG 153-4
       —: two meals eaten a day by 4aSG 153
       —: breakfast eaten at 7:00 a.m. by 4aSG 154
       —: dinner eaten at 1:00 p.m. by 4aSG 154
       —: seldom suffered faint feelings 4aSG 154
       —: lost 25 pounds of weight 4aSG 154
       July: at Battle Creek 3SG 6
       July: Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, first published by July. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, first published by 3SG 5-6
       winter: treatment of son’s lung fever by 4aSG 151;2SM 304-5;
       —: Testimony for the Church, No. 10, (in . Testimony for the Church, No. 10, (in 1T 390-454), published by 1T 685;
    1865, [early part]: six articles on “Disease and Its Causes” in How to Live (in 1865, [early part]. six articles on “Disease and Its Causes”in How to Live (in 2SM 409-79) written by LS 167;1T 717;