EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       [January]: distressing letters received by, from Battle Creek 1T 576-7
       [January]: depressed and grieved greatly 1T 576-7
       Jan. 29: stayed several weeks at home of Bro. A. W. Maynard in Greenville, Mich. LS 174;1T 575-6;
       —: treatment of JW’s physical and mental breakdown by 2SM 306-8
       [February]: labored also at Greenville and Orleans, Mich. LS 174;1T 575-6;
       [Mar. 6]: attended meetings at Orange, Mich. 1T 577-8
       [Mar. 9-10]: attended meetings at West Windsor, Mich. 1T 578-9
       [Mar. 13]: at Battle Creek LS 175;2SM 308;1T 577, 579;
       March: had been absent from Battle Creek three months LS 175;1T 579;
       Mar. 16: attended meeting in Battle Creek LS 175;1T 579;
       March: cold reception given to, at Battle Creek LS 175;1T 579;
       March: distress of, re situation in Battle Creek LS 175-6
       March: planned to complete Testimony for the Church, No. 12 March. planned to complete Testimony for the Church, No. 12 LS 175;1T 576-7;
       March: Test. written by, to pub. house workers 1T 585
       Mar. 23: attended meeting at Newton, Mich. 1T 579
       Mar. [30-31]: attended meeting at Convis, Mich. 1T 579
       Apr. [6]: attended meeting at Convis, Mich. 1T 579
       Apr. [13]: attended meeting at Convis, Mich. 1T 579
       Apr. [20-21]: attended meetings at Monterey, Mich. LS 175-7;1T 579, 583-4;
       spring: Battle Creek LS 177;1T 579, 581, 584;