EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
    1894, [Jan. 1-15]: attended Australia’s first camp meeting, held in Brighton, suburb of Melbourne, Vict. CD 488;LS 344-8;
       [Jan. 12]: WCTU officers interviewed, at Melbourne, Vict., Australia Te 262
       Jan. 14: Test. written by, re “Calmness and Consideration” TM 227-9
       [Apr. 3]: prayer offered by, after a marriage ceremony AH 101
       July 20: Test. written by, at Granville, N.S.W., giving warnings and counsels to Battle Creek church 8T 48-53
       —: Test. written by, at Granville, N.S.W., re “Our Duty to the World” 8T 53-6
       —: labors of, for cause of temperance in Australia Te 262-3
    [1895, Feb. 3]: went to Sydney, N.S.W., to purchase goods for poor people WM 330-1
       Mar. 8: Test. written by, entitled “All Ye Are Brethren” TM 347-59
       March: experience of, with woman from Canterbury, suburb of Sydney, N.S.W. Ev 452-3
       May 1: Test. written by, at Hobart, Tasmania, re “a Faithful Message” TM 77-81
       May 25: addressed believers at North Fitzroy, suburb of Melbourne, Vict., Australia 1SM 147-9
       July 15: letter written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., to physician in Battle Creek re “Go Forth Into Many Places” 8T 145-52
       July: land purchased by, for home in Cooranbong, N.S.W. CH 532;LS 358;
       July 24: Test. written by, at Granville, N.S.W., re “Missionary Work at Home and Abroad” 8T 56-60
       Aug. 27: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., to man and wife re “Proper Education” TM 239-45
       Aug. 28: letter written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., saying that God has work for every san. worker 8T 144
       Sept. 1: Test. written by, at Cooranbong. N.S.W., to man and wife re “Hovering Over the Churches” TM 230-8
       Sept. 13: Test. written by, at Granville, N.S.W., entitled “Less of Self” TM 245-51
       Sept. 24: Test. written by, entitled “Under Which Banner?” TM 364-73