EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       Oct. 5: personal experience related by, in founding Australian school LS 363-4
       Oct. 12: Test. written by, at Adelaide, So. Australia, entitled “Give Me Thine Heart” TM 418-23
       Dec. 27: Test. written by, to be read at Gen. Conf. session of 1897 TM 331-40
    1897, —: personal efforts of, re building of Australian school LS 365
       Oct. 21-Nov. 10: labors of, at Sydney, N.S.W. Ev 335-6
    1898, Jan. 12: at Cooranbong, N.S.W. 8T 66
       Jan. 12: Test. written by, re “A Departure From Right” 8T 66-8
       Feb. 3: Test. written by, at Melbourne, Vict., to leading physician re “God’s Purpose in Medical Missionary Work” 8T 158-62
       Mar. 25: Test. written by, at Balaclava, Vict., to san. physician re “Christ the Medium of Prayer and Blessing” 8T 177-9
       June 8: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., entitled “Look to God for Help” 8T 69-75
       June: experience of, re building of meetinghouse for Australian school CS 264-5;LS 366-7;
       —: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., entitled “An Appeal to the Brethren in Battle Creek” 8T 76-80
       September: Test. written by, re needs of Australian school 6T 181-92
       [Oct. 14-24]: attended camp meeting at Brisbane, Queens. LS 367;6T 58;
       Oct. 26: Test. written by, at Brisbane, Queens., to advisers of med. students and entitled “A Word of Caution” 8T 163-5
       December: letter written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., telling a man that “God of Israel must be your counselor” 8T 162
    1899, Jan. 1-2: attended camp meeting at Newcastle, N.S.W. CD 466;1SM 109;
       Feb. 1: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., entitled “Uphold the Medical Work” 8T 166-71
       Apr. 17: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., to physician in perplexity and entitled “Unity of Effort” 8T 172-6
       —: Test. written by, at Cooranbong, N.S.W., saying that fields having abundant facilities should share them with fields more needy 8T 152