EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (general)   [1399]
    warning voice of, lifted up as Spirit impressed her 5T 691
    was only: instrument in God’s hands 5T 691
       servant bearing messages God gave her 5T 623
    who told? 3T 314
    words and actions of, controlled by another Being when writing and speaking 1SM 39
2. As writer
    appreciation shown by, for books that she had written LS 445
    as dependent on Spirit in writing vision as in receiving it 2SG 293;1SM 36-7;
    articles written for papers by 5T 67
    assistants of, aided in preparing writings for publication 1SM 50
       not permitted to add matter to or to change meaning of her messages 1SM 50
    burden of, to finish writing her books LS 433-4
    charges against, re Early Writings charges against, re Early Writings 1SM 59
    church history traced by GC 11-2
    circumstances under which Testimony No. 11 (in 1T 456-95) was written by 1T 563
    common letters of, not inspired by Spirit 1SM 39
    dependent on memory in many instances in writing her biographical sketches 2SG 3
    did not choose work of writing and sending out Testimonies 5T 62
    duty of, to write on Bible truths 3T 503
    earliest views of, first published in pamphlet form 1SM 60