EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (general)   [1399]
       must be brought before God’s people over and over again CW 146
    midnight letters written by, saved God’s cause from disaster in crisis 1SM 27;5T 65;
    mind of, illuminated when she wrote or related what she saw in vision 1SM 37
    mistake made by, in releasing Testimony No. 11 (in 1T 456-95) too soon 1T 563
    movings of Spirit felt by, in writing Testimonies 5T 685
       when writing Testimonies for the Church, vols. 6 and 7 when writing Testimonies for the Church, vols. 6 and 7 LS 433
    not influenced by letters to write Testimonies 5T 683
    object of, in promoting circulation of her books 1SM 103-4
    one sentence by, 111 words used in ChS 274-5
    periodical articles of: do not express merely her own ideas 1SM 27, 29;5T 67;
       present what God showed to her in vision 1SM 29
       should be reprinted in book form CW 146
       written at three o’clock in morning for months 5T 68
    Prophets and Kings prepared by, in 1910 Prophets and Kings prepared by, in 1910 2SM 230
    request of, re possible incorrect statements in Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2 (autobiographical) request of, re possible incorrect statements in Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2 (autobiographical) 2SG 295
    speaks to people in her writings Ev 260
    Spirit illuminated GC 10
    in writing Great Controversy in writing Great Controversy GC 10-2
    Spirit impressed truths upon mind of, in writing her books CM 126
    Spirit moved, to write Great Controversy Spirit moved, to write Great Controversy CM 127