EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (visions of)   [433]
       [June 12]: re Bro. O and dangers facing youth 2T 288
       June 12: re great work that might be done in bringing souls to knowledge of truth 2T 113
       June 12: re great work to be done to prepare people for second advent 2T 116
       June 12: re love of world taking place of love for God 2T 183
       June 12: re Bro. H and close business dealings 2T 152
       June 12: re publication of personal Testimonies 2T 112;5T 659;
       June 12: re sad mental state of Sr. B 2T 323
       June 12: re Sr. O 2T 179
       June: re duties of Bro. and Sr. R 2T 296
       June: re P’s failure to make spiritual advancement 2T 291, 293
       June: re stubbornness of Sr. K 2T 247
       [summer]: re selfish and grasping disposition of Bro. A and wife 2T 542, 553
       August: re large body of believers traveling on narrowing way LS 190-3;2T 594-7;
       Oct. 2: re great and solemn work of warning world of coming judgment 2T 334
       Oct. 2: re state of God’s people 2T 439
       October: re many believers doing nothing who might be accomplishing good 2T 250
       [Oct. 25]: re Bro. M’s lack of unselfish spirit at Health Institute 2T 8, 411
       [Oct. 25]: re Bro. P’s failure to exercise true self-government 2T 8, 424-5
       Oct. 25: re Bro. R’s evil thoughts, unlawful desires, and violation of God’s commandments 2T 300
       Oct. 25: re extreme course pursued by B and C re health reform 2T 377