EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (visions of)   [433]
       Oct. 25: re fact that all professing to be called to teach truth were not qualified to do so 2T 498
       Oct. 25: re failure of ministers to bear responsibility LS 194;3T 13 [1869 in this and the next case is apparently in error.];
       Oct. 25: re JW’s health and burdens LS 194-5;3T 13-7;
       —: re man of dictatorial spirit 2T 320
       —: re orphan boy’s faults 2T 307
    1870, —: re God’s cause in Bordoville, Vt. 3T 116, 118
       —: re ministers, especially Bro. A 2T 539
4. From 1871 to 1880
    1871, Apr. 30: re Bible surrounded by “Testimonies for the Church” LS 197-202;2T 604-9;5T 664-8;
       Dec. 10: re dangers of Bro. K and his unwholesome influence 3T 212
       Dec. 10: re dangerous condition of Bro. E and his sisters 3T 39
       Dec. 10: re deplorable state of God’s cause in New York State 3T 48
       Dec. 10: re God’s purpose for His people to accomplish a great work through truth LS 203;3T 202;
       Dec. 10: re great hindrances to Sr. N’s recovery of health 3T 67
       Dec. 10: re health reform as branch of God’s work to fit people for second advent 3T 161
       Dec. 10: re heavy burdens borne by JW 3T 85-9
       Dec. 10: re serious defects in Bro. S’s character 3T 243
       December: re dangers and temptations of two sons of Bro. O 3T 221
    1872, Dec. 10: re spiritual state of Bro. K’s family 4T 104
    1874, [Apr. 1]: re instrumentality of press in giving third angel’s message to world LS 208-10