EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
    spoke unadvisedly sometimes under pressure of care 3T 86, 501
    stood firm in defense of truth LS 242-4
    stricken three times with paralysis LS 248-9;1T 105, 107;
    struggle of, to make Review and Instructor meet expenses struggle of, to make Review and Instructor meet expenses 2SG 205
    successful instrument in God’s hands LS 243
    temperance pledge signed by Te 202
    temperance workers invited by, to his meetings Te 217
    Testimonies of reproof given to, by EGW 5T 20
    thought it wrong for him to spend time in social enjoyment 1T 519
    three promising young men financially helped by 2SM 208
    tokens of God’s love for 3T 505
    too exacting toward persons who wronged him 1T 614
    traits of, that often led him into difficulties LS 243
    trials and burdens of, as gospel worker 2SG 280-2
    unforgiving spirit of, against brethren who injured him 1T 613-4
    viewed matters in exaggerated light at times 3T 502
    voice of, not to be considered voice and judgment of Gen. Conf. 3T 493
    wages of: $4.09 per week in December of 1855 2SG 205
       $6.00 per week 2SM 189, 191
    EGW helped by, in preparing matter for publication 1SM 50