EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
    baptism preached about by 3SM 261.1
    church paper needed more people than just PM 103.2
    consolidation of institutions to be rejected by PM 141.3
    counseled with responsible men when cause was young 3SM 25.3
    criticism of, church paper to defend against 3SM 350.2
    death and funeral of; his brother, John, present TDG 302
    determination of; prayer for confidence RY 164.2
    dreams of Ellen White about, after his death RY 161
    editorial help from, for writings of Ellen White 3SM 90.0
    interference with work of Ellen White not made by 3SM 67.1
    less popular speaker than his wife VSS 399.1
    publishing work begun with, in sacrifice PM 27.1
    searched for truth with others after 1844 CET 192.3
    sympathy of, for needy; especially ones who had helped PM 27.3
    visions of Ellen White not controlled by 3SM 37.1
    worked hard; Ellen White would not pray for return to life RY 164.1