EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Last days agencies of evil combining and consolidating in 9T 11    [228]
    oppression and extortion in, colossal fortunes piled up by COL 170;9T 12, 90;
    overreaching in, corrupting faith and destroying spirituality of many PK 651
    overwhelming surprise soon to break upon world in PK 626
    pauperism in, government officials unable to solve problem of 9T 13
    people living in, important lesson for GC 457
       will experience peril 4T 212-3
    perils of: are upon us 1T 269;4T 633;6T 61, 128-9;TM 79, 118, 230;
       how to stand faithful amid 2T 119
       persons who will be unable to cope with 2T 130
       search Scriptures amid MYP 282
       soon to come upon us 8T 315
       thicken around us 2T 121
       we are amid 1T 260;3T 53, 403;8T 224;
       we live in CH 103;FE 86;3T 66;4T 210;TM 337;
       we really live amid 2T 468
    pleasure absorbs men’s minds in 6T 31
    pleasure attracts thousands from life’s sober duties in 9T 89
    political strife in, fresh revelations of MH 142-3;PK 275;9T 89;
    popular current in, youth swept away by 9T 90
    poverty in, government officials unable to solve problem of 9T 13