EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Last days agencies of evil combining and consolidating in 9T 11    [228]
    state of society in, not many educators and statesmen comprehend causes of 9T 13
    strife in, fresh revelations of MH 142-3;PK 275;9T 86;
    strikes common in 9T 11
    subjects needed by people in 8T 301
    suicide increasing in MH 142-3;PK 275;9T 89;
    Sunday laws will be made and enforced in 9T 229-30
    theatergoing in stimulates passions to activity 9T 89
    theft committed on every hand in 9T 11
    tide of evil in, as has not been seen since Noah’s day PK 275
    time of intense excitement in 6T 31
    travel from place to place to spread truth will be more difficult in 6T 22
    trusts in, city life made more difficult by working of 9T 90
    unbelief in, re second advent 6T 129
    union of church and state in, to persecute God’s people 9T 16-7
    unsettled state of society in 9T 11
    violence and lawlessness in, heart-sickening record of MH 142-3;PK 275;9T 89;
    walk carefully and humbly with Christ in 9T 203
    war absorbs men’s minds in 6T 31
    wars and rumors of wars in 6T 14
    warnings of Christ that should be heeded in CW 24