EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Last days agencies of evil combining and consolidating in 9T 11    [228]
    proclaim great truths for, by Spirit’s power 6T 24
    prophecies of Christ that have direct application to MB 120-1;5T 753;
    prophecies relating to, demand our study COL 133;TM 116;
    prophetic picture of, Jas. 5:1-6 gives COL 170;PK 651;9T 91;
    religious circles in, teachings of Christ rarely are rule of MH 142
    reveling in, stimulates passions to activity 9T 89
    rich people living in luxury and self-indulgence in great cities in 9T 12
    robberies in, are frequent and bold 9T 11
    satanic delusions in, warning against 5T 525
    sign of, Christians who are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God are 2T 145
    sign that we live in MYP 444
    sin of, upon God’s professed people TM 129
    social circles in, teachings of Christ rarely are rule of MH 142
    social conditions in, described 9T 11-7
       like those of Noah’s day CD 40;PP 101-2;9T 14;
    society in Te 100
    special manifestation of Spirit in GC 9
    Spirit gradually being withdrawn from earth in 9T 11
    spirit of war in, stirs nations from one end of earth to the other 9T 17
    spiritualism in, prevalence of PP 686