〉   25
1 Peter 1:25
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. (1 Peter 1:25)
Aged gospel workers AA 572-4;2SM 221-32;7T 286-9;    [29]
American gospel workers   [3]
Byron, Lord 4T 519-20    [1]
Chaste word, Chaste words Christian must use, in conversation 2T 304   
Cheerful word, Cheerful words beneficial like medicine 2SM 430    [4]
Cheering word, Cheering words gospel workers need our EW 106   
Cheery word, Cheery words cost no more than unpleasant ones CG 147   
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Department, Departments, of gospel work . all, duty to support GW 370    [12]
Despondent word do not utter WM 90   
Discouraging word, Discouraging words can rouse and strengthen selfishness in soul 6T 455    [1]
Educated gospel worker, Educated gospel workers corps of, needed for various departments of God’s work CT 42    [3]
Flattering word, Flattering words Korah and associates used, to stir up rebellion PP 401-2    [1]
Fretful word, Fretful words child caused by, to cry much AH 436    [1]
Frivolous word, Frivolous words spiritual strength lost by speaking 9T 133   
Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
Gospel, Gospels four. all blend in one harmonious whole CT 432    [5]
Gospel commission AA 25-34;DA 818-28;8T 14-8;    [47]
Gospel faith adapted to all peoples, nations, and classes of men DA 820    [1]