The clause reads literally, “for unto this ye were called,” that is, the Christian has been “called” to do good and to suffer in the doing of it, if need be. A slave—or any church member, for that matter—who cheerfully complied with the requirements made of him might, at times, be abused, but he was to suffer his abuse uncomplainingly.
Christ also suffered.
That is, particularly during His trial and crucifixion (see v. 23).
He suffered unfairly because He had never committed an act deserving of punishment (see v. 22). The measure of His nobility of character was the intensity of harassment that beset Him from childhood (see on Heb. 2:10, 18; 4:15). In the face of mounting injustice Christ exhibited a perfect pattern of suffering for righteousness’ sake (cf. on Matt. 5:10-12). He met evil taunts and insinuations without retaliation. He confronted the meanness of men with a magnanimous love. He suffered patiently, confident that God would make all things work together for good (see on Rom. 8:28; 1 Peter 2:19).
For us.
Or, “on our behalf.” God purposed that the noble suffering of the Saviour should be an example for every son and daughter of God to follow. Christ’s perfect life, forged in the crucible of suffering and death, was God’s solution to the whole problem of sin. Here, however, Peter is not primarily discussing the atonement but the noble example of patience and fortitude Christ provided in relation to His sufferings.
Gr. hupogrammos, literally, “under-writing,” that is, a perfect pattern of writing from which a perfect copy may be made. Christ has provided the master pattern for patient suffering, which the Christian must faithfully copy as a student traces words on a clean sheet of paper from the perfect pattern placed before him.
Literally, “follow closely,” that is, step by step.
Or, “tracks,”“footsteps” such as might be left by a person walking in the soft earth.