And from thence to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain days. (Acts 16:12)
Abiding Sabbath
by Geo. Elliott
GC 447
Adventists, all-days-alike
abuse SDA
3T 572
City evangelism
See Evangelism
City lot, City lots
ministers should not urge men to invest in
GW 341
City official, City officials
favoring temperance, voting for
2SM 337
College City, Calif.
FE 62
Darkest days
fear not in, when appearances seem forbidding
8T 10
Day, Days
all, God carries out His plans for us in
DA 206
Deceptive part
of amusements, Satan uses
MYP 83