I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. (Daniel 7:11)
American Progress: or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century
by R. M. Devens, quoted
GC 333
Arbitrary words and actions
heart’s worst passions stirred up by
6T 134
Beast, prophetic, Beasts, prophetic
in Matthew 6.25, defined
2T 496
Body, Bodies, human
of Christians in amphitheaters
GC 40
Bush, burning
afflicted persons represented by
MH 212
Chaste word, Chaste words
Christian must use, in conversation
2T 304
Cheerful word, Cheerful words
beneficial like medicine
2SM 430
Cheering word, Cheering words
gospel workers need our
EW 106
Cheery word, Cheery words
cost no more than unpleasant ones
CG 147
Church body
judgment of, defer individual judgment to
4T 18
Dead body, Dead bodies
cast out of tombs by earthquake when Christ died
DA 756
Deep, great
. foundations of, broken up when Flood came
SR 66