That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, (Ephesians 5:26)
Chaste word, Chaste words
Christian must use, in conversation
2T 304
Cheerful word, Cheerful words
beneficial like medicine
2SM 430
Cheering word, Cheering words
gospel workers need our
EW 106
Cheery word, Cheery words
cost no more than unpleasant ones
CG 147
Despondent word
do not utter
WM 90
Discouraging word, Discouraging words
can rouse and strengthen selfishness in soul
6T 455
Feet washing
ancient custom of, whereby servant washed feet of guests attending feast
DA 644, 650
Flattering word, Flattering words
Korah and associates used, to stir up rebellion
PP 401-2
Foot washing
See Feet washing
Fretful word, Fretful words
child caused by, to cry much
AH 436
Frivolous word, Frivolous words
spiritual strength lost by speaking
9T 133
Harsh word, Harsh words
ask God to help you not to speak
AH 342-3
Hasty word, Hasty words
battle to overcome use of
AH 443
Impatient word, Impatient words
are costly offering to his satanic majesty
1T 310
Insulting word, Insulting words
respond to, by gentle answers
5T 344
Passionate word, Passionate words
children should be taught to withhold
CT 124