And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)
12 : 32
HP 323.3;LHU 15.6, 36.5, 167.5, 209.4, 230, 232.4, 237.2, 297;OHC 303.3;RC 50.1, 82.7;3SM 149.3, 169.2, 183.3, 184.2, 186, 194.1, 198.3;TMK 70.4, 81.3, 216.3, 345.4;TDG 168.5, 223.4, 251.5;UL 37.6, 87.4, 308.6;VSS 312, 313.1, 315, 322.1, 325.1