This truth is not based on a specific point of the parable itself, but is a general conclusion related to it. In the parable it is only implied that the guests who refused even to come to the feast were “many.” Jesus here simply states the fundamental fact that comparatively few were willing to accept the king’s gracious invitation and enter into the festive chamber. Similarly, in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus clearly stated that, comparatively speaking, only a “few” find the way to salvation, whereas “many” enter into the “broad” way “that leadeth to destruction” (see ch. 7:13, 14).
Many are called.
The truth here stated Jesus spoke upon various occasions (see Matt. 20:16; Luke 13:23, 24). The gospel call is for all who will accept it. “Whosoever will” may “take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17. Any man who thirsts for the waters of salvation is privileged to accept the invitation, “Come unto me, and drink” (John 7:37). In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus promised that all who “hunger and thirst after righteousness ... shall be filled” (Matt. 5:6).