Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (Matthew 5:17)
Court of justice (law), Courts of justice
angels have pleaded cause of the persecuted and oppressed in
Ed 305;GC 632;
mother who suffered trials because of
2T 281
God does not, any man
COL 84
Egyptian law, Egyptian laws
forbidding intercourse with foreign shepherds
PP 130-1
Fugitive slave law
See Slave law
copies of, Ezra gathered, transcribed, and distributed
PK 609
Law-abiding citizen, Law-abiding citizens
gospel tends to make men
AA 178
Law and order
enemies of, people who honor Bible Sabbath will be denounced as
GC 592
Law and prophets
are God’s appointed agencies for saving men
COL 265
Law code
given from Mt. Sinai, Christ referred lawyer to
4T 226
Law enforcement officer, Law enforcement officer
able, qualifications of
Te 47
Law-hating minister, Law-hating ministers
speeches made by some, Satan would not dare to utter
4T 14