And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (Revelation 13:16)
Gr. charagma, “an impress,”“a stamp,”“a mark.” This is evidently some badge of loyalty to the beast, some special feature that denotes that the one displaying such a mark worships the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed (v. 8). Adventist interpreters understand this mark to be not a literal brand but some sign of allegiance that identifies the bearer as loyal to the power represented by the beast. The controversy at that time will center on the law of God, and particularly on the fourth command (see on ch. 14:12). Hence Sunday observance will constitute such a sign, but not until the time when the beast’s power will be revived and Sunday observance in place of Sabbath observance becomes law. Adventists hold that simultaneously the third angel’s message will warn against the reception of the mark (ch. 14:9-11). This message, swelling into a loud cry (ch. 18:1-4), will enlighten men as to the issues involved. When the issues are thus clearly before them, and men nevertheless choose to support an institution of the beast, observing it and disobeying God’s Sabbath command, they thereby show their allegiance to the beast power and receive the mark.
Causeth all.
Everyone is affected by this legislation. Apparently only the faithful remnant refuse compliance (see v. 8; cf. ch. 12:17).
Right hand … foreheads.
This mark being in the hand or in the forehead may indicate that not only one’s labor (the hand) but also one’s belief is affected. The phrase may also designate two classes—those who submit to the decrees of the beast merely from expediency and those who so do from personal conviction.