Important textual evidence may be cited (cf. p. 10) for the omission of the word “or.” If it is omitted, the phrase “name of the beast” may be considered to be in apposition with the word “mark.” The passage would then read, “the mark, that is, the name of the beast.” This would imply that the mark John saw in vision was the name of the beast. This relationship may be compared with the seal of God placed on the forehead of the saints (ch. 7:2), concerning whom John later declared that they had “his Father’s name written in their foreheads” (ch. 14:1). Compare on ch. 14:11.
The word “or,” however, appears in P, the oldest extant Greek manuscript of Revelation, and may well have been in the autograph copy. If so, the phrases, “the mark,”“the name of the beast,”“the number of his name,” being connected by “or,” may indicate degrees of affiliation with the beast or his image. God condemns any degree of association (ch. 14:9-11).
This stern measure will be taken in an effort to secure compliance with the dictates of the image. But the measure will be unavailing (see on ch. 14:1, 12).
This measure will doubtless bring on the death decree (see on ch. 13:15).