EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
    voice of God will announce EW 15, 34, 285;GC 640;LS 65, 102;1SM 75-6;1T 59;
    wait and watch for CS 231;2T 194;TM 364;
    waiting for, may seem long ChS 274-5;PK 387;
    we may know when, is near DA 235
       with certainty 4T 592
    what men will be doing at GC 491
    when, will come AA 111;CT 324;MM 185;
    while waiting for,
       do more than talk TM 187
       do not sit in idle expectancy AA 267;DA 634;TM 163;
       duty of believers AH 23;Ev 220;EW 107-10;2SM 150, 402-3;6T 475;
       increase institutional facilities 6T 440
       prepare way for 7T 139
       search Scriptures 1SM 362
       SDA need schools, sanitariums, and food factories MM 268
       watch vigilantly AH 23
       work to save others 2T 673;9T 104-5;
    will not tarry past giving of message to all world Ev 697
    work and pray for 1SM 113
    world must be warned before PP 102;2T 693;6T 18;