EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
       See also Time setting
    faithful watchers for, sealed TM 445
    false teachers surprised at COL 411;TM 233;
    fanatical ideas re 7BC 909
    first angel’s message does not point to GC 424
    first light of, who will catch COL 420-1;PK 720;
       by Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem DA 580
       in Christ’s transfiguration DA 421-2;EW 162-4;
       in sanctuary services PK 684
       in symbolic service GC 399-400
    glories clustering about GC 301
    gospel message points to COL 226
    infidelity of world at 4aSG 118
    last link in chain of earth’s history DA 630
    Lord’s Supper points to DA 149, 659
    men who crucified Christ will witness DA 739;EW 178-9;GC 637, 643-4;SR 212;
    not Christ’s coming to:
       His temple GC 426
       investigative judgment GC 480