EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
    world’s spiritual condition at 4T 309
    See also End; Time setting
10. Miscellaneous
    Christ’s appearance at, as:
       king and deliverer GC 423;PK 298;
       King of kings and Lord of lords GC 427, 614;PK 716;
       personal Saviour 6BC 1054
       Son of man 5T 230
    Christ’s departure from heaven at EW 281
    Christ’s great prophecy re GC 371
       Jerusalem’s destruction mingled with DA 628
    conditions existing just prior to, plainly declare Te 27
    deception re,
       beware of GC 625
       Satan’s special GC 624-5;5T 698;8T 28;
    erroneous ideas re GC 321, 379, 525;2SG 72-4;
       Jews held DA 193;Ev 612;4aSG 115;
       Thessalonian believers held AA 258-9, 264-6;7BC 909-10;GC 456-7;