EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
       small deviations from, are serious RC 272.3
    falsehoods may gain advancement in HP 179.4
    finished Friday; wait to begin new business TMK 147.2
    God is concerned about every detail of OHC 225.4
    godliness in, worth more than sermons OHC 225.5
    God’s place not to be taken by UL 142.5;OHC 340.2;
    heaven involved in, of the Christian HP 185.3
    heaven’s principles in, shown superior by grace HP 316.4
    honesty in,
       honest measure TDG 337.2
       in institutions PM 230.1
    ignorance about new, wanting to move from city CL 26.2
    image desired for, to be lived 2MCP 438.0
    integrity in, although criticized 2MCP 438.1
    loss in, met by casting cares on God TMK 232.4
    maintain clear conscience in TMK 290.5
    management of, learned under God; character important PM 127.2
    managers in Review office to avoid selfishness in PM 111.1
    meetings for, See Meetings, business
    move slowly and honestly in, or stop OHC 225.4