EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
    neglecting devotion to God because of OHC 221.2
    one thing at a time in, accomplishing much OHC 224.5
    partnership in, unwise for those with faulty character UL 137.3
    perplexity in, not to cause discouragement TDG 42.5
    person, See Businessman
    place of, See Market
    pressure of, not to separate you from God TDG 104.5
    principles of,
       as important as religious obligation to pray OHC 226.2
       different for the world TDG 337.3
    publishing house not to be regarded as common place of PM 43.4
    quality work in, requires right connection with God RC 271.5
    relations in, youth to examine, relative to God’s plans FLB 323.5
    religion for, to be the same as it is for church HP 190.2
    resting place amid rush of, cherishing promises TDG 232.3
    Sabbath claims not to be viewed to accommodate 3SM 423.2
    serving the Lord is to be our chief TDG 349.2
    sharp dealing in, hurts missionary work PM 280.0
       not to be diverted from God by OHC 226.2