EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
       to be less engaged in matters of UL 333.4
    speculation in, Bible study protects from interest in RC 208.5
    straightforwardness in,
       for all commandment keepers RC 273.2
       not sinning for worldly gain 2MCP 436.4
    success in, rely on Christ and do your part for TMK 232.4
    sure Guide for whatever is our OHC 56.6
    tact in, taught in childhood OHC 263.4
    talents for, to be given to the service of God TDG 218.2
    temporal (affairs), eternal interests swallowed up by RC 206.5
    time for acquaintance with Christ lost by concerns of 1MCP 128.1
    training in, for those working for God RC 271.3
    transactions of,
       accepted by world but condemned by God TDG 343.4
       Christ turned away in FLB 312.3
       Christ’s spirit in HP 311.2
       communing with God during HP 84.3
       controlled by genuine religion RC 205.7
       defects explained to buyer in HP 243.2
       God’s presence to be in HP 332.4