EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    went to Jerusalem secretly DA 452, 485
       after absence of many months from Jerusalem DA 451
       for Feast of Tabernacles DA 447-62, 485-7;MH 86;
    first feast attended by, since healing lame man at pool of Bethesda DA 450-1
    speech of, in midst of feast DA 452
    shadowed by spies DA 455
    in controversy with Jewish rulers DA 455-9
       on His first day at feast DA 455
    leaders of Pharisees planned to arrest Him DA 457-8
    taught in temple court daily DA 453
    speech of, on last day of feast DA 453-4, 459;PP 412;
    men sent to arrest, on last day of feast DA 459
    priests and rulers plotted against DA 460;MH 86;
    Nicodemus defended, before Jewish council DA 460
    went to Mt. of Olives for night DA 460;MH 86;
    taught people at temple next morning DA 460;MH 87;
       on day after Feast of Tabernacles had ended DA 459-60;MH 86;
    adulteress accused before DA 460-2;MH 87-9;
    declared Himself Light of world DA 463-5
    discussed with Pharisees His Messianic claim DA 465-70