EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    various parables spoken by, in Perea DA 495-6
    parable of Pharisee and publican spoken by COL 150-63;DA 495;
    dined at Pharisee’s home COL 219;6T 173;WM 287;
    parable of great supper spoken by COL 219-37;DA 495;WM 287;
       at home of Pharisee COL 219;WM 287;
    two brothers asked Him to settle dispute over inheritance COL 253-4
    parable of rich fool spoken by COL 252-9;5T 259-60;9T 216-7;
       after instructing apostles re part they were to act in His work COL 253
       not many months before close of His mission on earth COL 253;9T 217;
    parable of importunate widow spoken by COL 164-80;DA 495;2T 131;
    Lord’s Prayer given to disciples alone by COL 139-40;MB 102;
    parable of friend asking for bread at midnight spoken by COL 139-49;DA 495;
       shortly after giving Lord’s Prayer to disciples alone COL 139-40;MB 102;
    parable of lost sheep repeated by COL 186-92;DA 495;
    parable of lost piece of silver (coin) spoken by COL 192-7;DA 495;MH 163;
       after parable of lost sheep COL 192
       east of Jordan COL 186-7
    parable of prodigal son spoken by COL 198-211;DA 495-6;
    parable of dishonest and unmerciful steward spoken by COL 366-75
       after He had been censured by Pharisees for mingling with publicans and sinners COL 368-9