EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
       after His enemies had followed Him daily for three years DA 467
    attempt to stone, on charge of blasphemy COL 381;DA 470;
    healed man who had been born blind DA 470-5, 477, 824;MH 233;
       on Sabbath DA 471
    declared Himself to be Good Shepherd DA 476-84
       soon after He had healed man born blind DA 477
    left Jerusalem for a season DA 485
    began last journey to Jerusalem, following circuitous route DA 485-6
    rejected by Samaritan village AA 540;DA 486-8;GC 570;SL 57-9;SR 268;2T 566;
       not long after His transfiguration DA 487
       shortly before He sent 70 disciples forth DA 488
       while on way to Jerusalem DA 487;SL 58;2T 566;
       within sight of Mt. Carmel DA 487
    went on to another village DA 487
    labored in Perea DA 488-96
       during closing months of His public ministry DA 488, 495
    sent 70 disciples forth on miss. tour AA 32;CH 557;COL 308;CT 465;DA 488-90;MH 94, 139;MM 253;6T 292;
       soon after He had been repulsed by Samaritans DA 488
    return of 70 disciples from miss. tour DA 490-4
    Galilean cities upbraided by DA 489