EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    parable of rich man and Lazarus COL 260-71;DA 407, 799;
    injunction of Lk. 12:32-34 spoken by DA 496
       on His last journey from Galilee DA 496
       just before parable of good Samaritan COL 377;DA 498;
    parable of good Samaritan spoken by COL 376-89;DA 488, 497-505;3T 512, 523-4;4T 57-8, 226;
       in response to lawyer’s question, “Who is my neighbor?” COL 376-9;DA 497-9;3T 512;4T 226;
       after He sent forth the 70 DA 488
    first visit at home of Martha and Mary CT 442;DA 326, 524-5, 830;1SM 80;WM 154;
       after toilsome journey from Jericho DA 525
       during His first visit to Bethany DA 525
    went to Jerusalem for Feast of Dedication DA 470
       some months after Feast of Tabernacles and discourse on Light of world DA 470
    Pharisees asked, when God’s kingdom should come DA 506-10
       more than three years after John the Baptist began to preach DA 506
    blessed children DA 511-8;FE 68-9, 161;MH 40-4;Te 290;
       soon after Christ had blessed children DA 518
       prior His visit with Zacchaeus DA 555
    parable of laborers sent to work in vineyard at various hours of day COL 396-404