EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    firm as rock to truth FE 227
    firmness of purpose of, due in great degree to plainness of his diet 4T 515-6
    full of reverence and zeal for God MYP 33
    given opportunity to exalt God before nations PK 428
    given special position in world FE 295
    given understanding in visions and dreams FE 87
    glimpse given through, of mighty struggle between good and evil PK 571
    God and His approval were dearer to, than favor of most powerful ruler CH 64;FE 79;PK 483;SL 21;
       than life itself CH 64;FE 79;PK 483;SL 21;
    God blessed, because he was steadfast in doing what he knew to be right CH 156
    God called, to witness for Him in Babylon COL 356-7
    God cared for, against envy and hatred of enemies 2T 139
    God co-operated with PK 487
    God did not forget, in lions’ den GC 626
    God helped CT 486
    God made, shrewd manager COL 350
    God of, heathen monarchs constrained to acknowledge Ed 56;PK 499, 520-1, 544-5;SL 36;
    God preserved, in time of temptation and peril FE 205
    God taught, to read mysteries of future ages Ed 56;FE 81;PK 485, 547;4T 570;
    God used: to bring light of truth to kings and rulers 5T 455