EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    high position held by, in courts of Babylon 5T 635-6
    history of: given for our admonition FE 374
       if all, were written SD 211
       illustrates what God can do for youth today Ed 57
       is remarkable 5T 527
       lesson gospel workers should learn from 5T 549
       lesson youth should learn from ML 120;SL 23;
       lessons from MH 487;MM 200;SL 18;TM 263;
       recorded for our benefit CH 50;MYP 243;
    honored God in: prosperity and adversity PK 479;5T 636;
       smallest duties PK 487
    honored prophet SL 46
       while prime minister of Babylon 7T 248
    honors conferred by Darius upon, excited jealousy of leading men SL 42
    how young men can be strong like 5T 321-2
    humbly identified himself with the sinful of Israel SL 46
    humility of GC 470-1;PK 494;SL 35-6, 52;
    illustrious character FE 77;SL 18;
    improved opportunities to become intelligent in all lines of learning FE 358
    in lions’ den was same Daniel who had stood before Darius 4T 448