EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       to carry knowledge of Him to heathen nations 8T 153
       to carry out His purposes 5T 321
       to give light to Babylon 4BC 1169
       to reveal light in kingly courts MB 41
    God was first with TM 443
    God’s ambassador in Babylon Ed 54-7
    God’s claims held by, as above requirements of earthly rulers SL 21
    God’s name exalted and honored by PK 544
    God’s purpose for, in courts of Babylon COL 356;DA 27;PK 487;7T 161;8T 153;
    God’s purposes revealed to PK 464
    God’s representative in Babylon FE 411-2;6T 219;
    God’s word presents, as faultless character FE 78;4T 569;
    godly influence of, devils feared PK 540;1T 295;
    greatly beloved of heaven 5T 635
    greatly honored by Majesty of heaven SL 51
    habits of God’s people should bear comparison with those of AH 302
    hearer and doer of God’s word FE 379;MH 466;
    heathen kings recognized that Spirit was with 1BC 1098;PK 517, 528;
    heaven was opened before SL 49
    high in command in kingdom of Darius the Mede PK 540