EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Husband, Husbands 1T 707-12    [395]
       comfort and support wife MH 374
       consult wife re his plans 1T 709;2T 676-7;3T 244;4T 128;
       cultivate industrious habits AH 345
       cultivate tender affection for wife 3T 530
       do all possible to keep wife’s spirit cheerful 5T 181
       do all possible to save wife care 5T 181
       do his best to support family AH 345
       encourage cheerful and happy temper in himself 4T 255
       encourage confidence of wife 2T 414-5
       encourage independent effort on part of family 4T 128
       encourage wife by kindness and loving courtesy MH 374
       evince affection for wife by words of tenderness and kind regard 1T 695
       express affection for wife 2T 676-7
       feel lost without wife’s society 2T 417
       give share of his income to wife AH 378
       give wife chance for spiritual life AH 226
       give wife opportunity to use her faculties 4T 130
       give wife wise counsel and loving encouragement MH 394
       guard his words and acts with tenderness 4T 130
       have nobility of character AH 228