EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Husband, Husbands 1T 707-12    [395]
       be overbearing and dictatorial 7T 48
       become confidant of other women 2T 297
       come home with clouded brows AH 224
       complain of wife to others AH 177
       dwell constantly on his position as head of family AH 215
       lift himself above wife as superior to her 4T 127
       make plea for rulership 7T 47
       refuse to give wife money AH 378
       seek to rule wife’s actions 4T 127
       try to compel wife to yield to his wishes MH 361;7T 48;
       try to exercise arbitrary control over wife MH 361
    ought to: aid wife by sympathy and unfailing affection MH 274
       allow wife certain sum weekly to spend as she pleases AH 378
       appreciate wife’s difficulties AH 217
       be thoughtful, courteous, and kind to wife 2T 415-6
       bind family together with holy cords on God’s altar Ev 342
       cease finding fault with wife 2T 86
       check impatience he is about to utter 1T 306
       cherish wife as Christ cherishes church 7T 47
       come home from work with cheerful countenance 1T 695