EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Husband, Husbands 1T 707-12    [395]
       man of pure mind AH 345
       minister, physician, nurse, and teacher in home AH 184
       patient, kind, forbearing, tender, affectionate, forgiving 2T 677
       strong helper to wife AH 99
       tender, gentle, and loving to wife 2T 677
       tender, loving, affectionate, and courteous to wife 2T 259
       tender and gentle to wife 4T 36-7
       tenderhearted and pitiful 2T 256
       wife’s counselor and adviser 1T 307-8
       wife’s protector MB 64;1T 307-8;
    neglect by, that increases wife’s burdens 2T 309
    not to be ruler over wife but her helper 7T 48
    not truly loving his wife 2T 474
    not trying to make himself lovable will not be loved AH 228
    occupying dignified and haughty position in family 2T 297
    of set wills savoring of stubbornness 2T 677
    of unbelieving wife, duty of 2T 676-7
    opposing, wife’s duty re AH 350
    other women’s, wives eloping with 5T 523
    ought not to: act as if he were infallible AH 215