EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    defeated in battle with Philistines on plain of Shunem and slopes of Mt. Gilboa PP 681-2, 690, 695;4aSG 83-5;
    death of Saul and sons mourned by PP 682, 695-6
    overrun by Philistines after King Saul’s death PP 682
    David’s rule over PP 697-755;4aSG 85-96;
    David crowned king of, at Hebron PP 697-8
    Ishbosheth made rival king of, at Mahanaim PP 698-9
    civil war in, between David and Ishbosheth PP 698-701
       for two years PP 699
    David acknowledged as king of all, after Ishbosheth was slain PP 701-2
    Jebus taken from Canaanites by PP 703
    Jerusalem (Jebus) made capital of, by David PP 703
    alliance of, with Tyre PP 703
    Philistines invaded as far as valley of Rephaim PP 704
    Philistines routed by, from Gibeon to Gazer PP 704
    ark of covenant removed from Kirjathjearim to Jerusalem by PP 704-11;4aSG 111-3;SR 191-3;
    religious center of, David’s purpose to make Jerusalem PP 711
    temple for, David not permitted to build PP 711-3;4aSG 93-4;
    Philistines and Moabites made tributary to PP 713
    Ammonites conquered and made subject to PP 713-5
    kingdom of, reached in extent fulfillment of promise made to Abraham in Gen. 15:18; Deut. 11:22-25 PP 716