EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    David’s sin and repentance before PP 717-26;4aSG 86-9;
    Absalom’s unsuccessful revolt against David as king of PP 727-45;4aSG 89-91;
    David’s last years as king of PP 746-55;4aSG 91-6;
    census of, David’s sin in attempting to take PP 746-9;4aSG 92-3;
    revolution and counterrevolution in, after Absalom’s death PP 746
    Adonijah’s conspiracy to make himself king over PP 749
       when David was 70 years old PP 749
    Solomon made king of, by decree of David PP 749-55;4aSG 94-6;
    Solomon’s rule over PK 25-89;PP 749-55;3SG 96-101;
    temple built for, by Solomon PK 35-7
    temple of, dedication of PK 37-50;4aSG 113-4;SR 193-4;
    Solomon’s apostasy and its effects on FE 499;PK 51-75, 402-3;7T 218;
    Solomon’s repentance and efforts for PK 75-86
    Rehoboam made king of PK 87
    Rehoboam’s rule of PK 87-98
    divided into two kingdoms PK 87-92, 97, 108, 335-6
       early in Rehoboam’s reign PK 87, 96
3. Judah as southern kingdom of
    tribes of Judah and Benjamin formed PK 91, 93, 112, 288, 303, 384
    Ahijah’s prophetic ministry to PK 87, 108-9